No not because he will not be missed here. Just getting your attention there! Matt seems like a great guy, we are truly poorer for his departure. Baptists have a lot of troubles and are bleeding members as a result. But I must confess since I never considered myself a Baptist I never learned much of their history and was prone to many a snide remarks about them. Ones my wife, who was saved thanks in no small part to a Baptist Church that reached out to her family, never like to hear me say. She has been happy to see me defending them in my thoughts a bit. It came to the point where I was willing to join her in taking the label. That made her smile when I said “sure I am a Baptist”. Now to my beloved Presbyterian brethren I must say thank you for lighting a fire under me. I know more of my own history and have felt a fresh love of my Baptist heritage and in the memory of receiving the ordinance of Baptism. The meaning of death, burial and resurrection has deepened for me.
This has been hanging on my wall for a week now. The Swedish Baptist Union sent it to me when I asked them about it. Wow all the way from my mother land! As that Baptist that annoys so many John Piper would say when we are talking about Baptism we are talking mainly about Christ. So yeah, I love this painting. Thanks guys for putting up with me as I argued with you, but mostly with myself. I now rest where I started. Proud, but not to proud ;-) to be a Baptist.
The Story of the Painting can be read
One editorial comment, it was Matt who wrote the posts, though Jay left the SBC as well.
Correction made while you were leaving this comment.
Thanks so much for this post! Your response, believe it or not, is very much what I hope will happen in some measure as a result of my posts. Admittedly, toning it down a bit will help. I'm glad you're baptist and as long as you remain one I hope you are a good one.
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