Sunday, August 16, 2009

Music for the Soul.

Col 3:16 NET - Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and exhorting one another with all wisdom, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, all with grace in your hearts to God.

I recently returned from accompanying a choir on a trip that sought to minister through music. I was struck by the words to one of the songs that sought to strip away the ideas of a merit system or rewards and just focus on God alone in His Beauty as He reigns and embraces us through His Son in the greatest scene of seeming weakness upon a cross.

The trip reminded me of my love of hymns and the way they speak to us in ways that simple prose or speech sometimes can't. My favorite modern arrangements of hymns has been through the work of "Indelible Grace." The minister, Kevin Twit, that puts those projects together wrote a post I think is worth mentioning here. Col 3:16 mentions the word of Christ dwelling in our hearts and Paul encourages song as a means of putting it there.

The post begins:

"So it is Saturday August 1st and I am sitting with my wife in a hospital room at Vanderbilt..."

Link here

The hymn words worth dwelling on?

In the weary hours of sickness, in the times of grief and pain,
When we feel our mortal weakness, when all human help is vain,
In the solemn hour of dying, in the awful judgment day,
May our souls, on thee relying, find thee still our Rock and Stay;

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