"Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ." - Jerome

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Why Hymns and Psalms?

Why bother with dusty hymns and psalms? What's the difference between hymns, gospel tunes and praise choruses? Why does it matter?

Kevin Twit, the pastor behind the "Indelible Grace" CDs that put many old hymns to new music, gave these two talks below at Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville KY, asking: Why Hymns? And why are young people connecting with hymns?

These are great talks on why we should sing more psalms and hymns, not because they are old, but because of what they teach us:

Part 1 audio mp3

Part 2 audio mp3


CMWoodall said...

Have you read Skip Ryan's article in the journal Reformed Worship? back in 1992, I think.

Also just out is 5 views of worship counterpoint style book. The question of Hymns comes up a bit.

Jared Nelson said...

I've seen some of those 5 views on worship. But I think there is a false choice in that there tends to be one view that is "liturgical" and a different view that is "hymns." I see hymns functioning within a liturgy, not as the sole "driving force" of worship. But I'm preaching to the choir with you Chris...