I think Behe
Really I just think this is about critical thinking and teaching kids to think for themselves. Behe while open to ideas is really somewhat of a deconstructionist when it comes to evolution. Or at least near as I can tell from when I saw him speak he points out the areas where it is weak, or where there has been outright lies. Really Darwinism or 6 day creationism is not all that important to me. My faith does not hinge on how God created the world. (Although Darwinism is troubling because it CAN lead to a might makes right philosophy.) In the end challenges by people like Behe might make the evolutionary theory stronger, if it can rise to the occasion. What is everyone afraid of?
Indeed, we all agree we are all here now, and let's live good lives. But Darwinism is not about might-makes-right; that's a misunderstanding of "survival of the fittest." This simply means that those most fit for their environment will be the ones mist likely to survive. Biological "fitness" usually has little to do with physical strength or the use of force or coercion. More about Darwinian misunderstanding here.
But then what is moral law based on? If merely Darwinistic evolution, pragmatism is the highest law. Hence "might makes right." Darwinists may want a higher morality, but alas, they have no metaphysics on which to build it.
Good points both. But ultimately I want to believe in something because it is true. Not because of pragmatism on either side. i.e. believe in God because that makes me behave, or accept evolution because I do not want Natural Law or rules handed down from a higher being. I just want to know the truth and work from there.
However we must identify the problems presented with certain views. So, Free I will check out the link. I will have to see the line of thought there.
I got a chance to check out the link. Interesting stuff but I still agree with Jared's conclusion. Jonah Goldberg had a good related article here.
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