Friday, April 16, 2010

Argument Chart

I have no time for a Fulfillment Friday this week. Instead, a chart on levels of debate. I find most discussion, if it is lucky, rises to the level of DH2.


  1. Where is this from? Who originally published it? What support does it have for being a legitimate presentation of supremacy of argumentation?

  2. That's good stuff! I see a lot of DH0-DH2, but very little else.

    BTW, what's the "DH" stand for?

  3. Richard - i saved the picture but forgot where I got it from. If I come across it I will cite it.

    The support it has as a legitimate presentation of the supremacy of argument comes from the fact that anyone who says anything different is stupid and has a disagreeable tone to their position.

  4. Thanks Jared. For the record, I agree with the chart I was just curious as to whether or not actual argumentation was being taught and accepted at/by any specific institution or group.
