Saturday, December 05, 2009

Why are we bored with the Gospel?

Honest question. I'm soliciting for answers. I've been amazed how often we get bored with the gospel. When we have a problem, the gospel is too boring as an answer. When reading Scripture, the gospel is too boring of an application. When thinking of Christ's work, the gospel is skipped over for other subjects. When defining the gospel, we prefer new inovative ways of defining it rather than the way the Scriptures or church has, "that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures." (1 Cor 15:3-4)

I was listening to a (conservative, evangelical, well-educated) speaker the other day and when he read a passage from Scripture he said "We typically just think about this as God forgiving us as sinners, that God offers us mercy if you repent." Just? Then he went on to suggest the idea of Christ as King was more interesting, and saying "repent and God forgives" in a mocking redneck voice as if it was the position of backwards hicks. Maybe its not about sinners being justified after all. That was the "exciting idea." The doctrine that is to make my heart race is the God whom I've offended is going rule and judge as King, not that he has qualified me to stand before judgment?

Why? Are we really this bored with the Gospel? Is Redemption passe? What's going on here?

Why are we bored with the Gospel?

1 comment:

  1. The good news, as the central and defining doctrine of Christianity, is the first thing any new disciple learns. As faith grows, new information is sought in the mission to deepen understanding and sometimes to enhance the ability to share this good news. Study of philosophy, semantics, history, and a hundred other things become a temporary focus. This is normal and healthy (though the footnotes should serve, not eclipse, the thesis). Eventually people come back to basics, and realize that despite their detour, none of it matters unless the basic gospel story is true.
    Another thing that happens is that, no matter how good a thing is, people seek comparisons and contrasts. A person may discover a painting/poem/novel & c. and revere it as THE STANDARD. After a short time, they seek to confirm this appraisal. The read other poems, view other paintings. Over time, this process displaces their reverence for The One. Again, if they live long enough, they come back to the one for which there is no substitute.
    Just my two cents.
