Sunday, September 13, 2009

Random Preaching Quotes

Some great quotes on preaching:

"Unable to preach Christ and Him crucified, we preach humanity and it improved."

-William Willimon. (a United Methodist bishop.) Peculiar Speech. pg 9.

"The preaching of the word is the especial divine ordinance for the healing and recovery of backsliders in heart and life."
-John Owen. The Dominion of Sin and Grace.

"THE PREACHING OF THE WORD OF GOD IS THE WORD OF GOD. Wherefore when this Word of God is now preached in the church by preachers lawfully called, we believe that the very Word of God is proclaimed, and received by the faithful; and that neither any other Word of God is to be invented nor is to be expected from heaven: and that now the Word itself which is preached is to be regarded, not the minister that preaches; for even if he be evil and a sinner, nevertheless the Word of God remains still true and good."

-Second Helvetic Confession. Article 1

"The preaching of the Word is the testimony of God and the profession of the knowledge of Christ, not of human skill. Furthermore, the hearers ought not to ascribe their faith to the gifts of men, but the power of God's Word (1 Cor 2:1,2,5)"

- William Perkins. The Art of Prophesying.

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