Sunday, July 26, 2009

Communion with God

I was just getting caught up with Jared's posts as I do not get out here as often as I would like. I am reminded that I feel a little embarrassed posting along side the posts that flow from such a fertile mind. With that in mind I want to second the thoughts expressed by Jared in his post on "Reformed Catholicism". I have actually read some of the stuff on his list there some at the same time as Jared. It was a lot of fun discussing the Anti-Pelagian letters with my brother at 6am at Panera! A LOT OF FUN!
I want to also second his love of the book "Communion with God" by John Owen. It might be less than ideal but at the time I bought the book all I could find was the made easy to read version published by Banner of Truth. Even this dumbed down version for lay people like me is outstanding. Is there another book out there that takes up the task of describing what it means to have communion with each member of the Trinity? While Owen uses the whole Bible in this work a couple of things that come to mind that I really liked are;
  1. His use of the Song of Songs. Oh how we are in poverty today when it comes to this book. Yes I believe there is a lot of sex in it and I like that about it. But in a lot of modern stuff out there this book is all about fixing your marriage. Owen uses it as the love song it is from Christ to his church.
  2. I used this book in teaching on the Trinity in Sunday school at my church. I told them I was going to read a Puritan to them then read how Owen unpacks 1 jn 1:2. Everyone was surprised to hear such tenderness from a "Puritan".

This is an outstanding book and I will read the full version (Lord willing) before I die! I have heard this book recommend to those who have read the full version as a quick reference guide to the complete work.

1Jn 1:2 the life was made manifest, and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and was made manifest to us--

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