The fourth session in Reformed Spirituality was to be on overcoming sin, using John Owen's works as a guide. However, the class ended prematurely and this was the class I was least prepared for, and thus with everything on my plate now, the one I will have to come back to fill in later if I wish to re-teach this.
For those interested in the subject, here are a couple of resources. One is the book "Overcoming Sin and Temptation" by John Owen, which is actually a collection of three works by Owen on the subject. The second is an audio interview with the men responsible for editing the above book with helpful footnotes, Justin Taylor and Kelly Kapic.
1. Book: "Overcoming Sin and Temptation"
2. Interview with Justin Taylor and Kelly Kapic. (itunes)
We can't overcome sin.
Otherwise He wouldn't have had to come and hang on a cross.
I know Lutherans tend to not like the phrase "growing in grace" but I do believe this is possible, as our WCF puts it:
"This sanctification is throughout, in the whole man yet imperfect in this life, there abiding still some remnants of corruption in every part."
Imperfect in this life, but God's work in us, I believe, can be said in some degree to overcome sin in this life.
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