Saturday, January 03, 2009

iTunes Podcasts: Audio Programs

And now other audio programs that are not necessarily sermons on iTunes worth checking out (again, for free)
The White Horse Inn (Michael Horton and Friends discuss practical theology)

The Reformed Forum (a group of Reformed pastors interview theologians and talk books/theology)
(Westminster Seminary California)

Ordinary Means.
(Reformed pastors calling the church back to the Biblical Ordinary means of grace)
Issues etc. (Talk show produced by the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod)

Renewing Your Mind
(R.C. Sproul’s audio lectures and Sunday School lessons)
9 Marks Interviews (Mark Dever)

NPR – Religion
(Stories on Religion from NPR for the week)

(Reformed discussion of theology)

Bored-Again Christian
(music for Christians that are bored with Christian Music)

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