I have recently read John Owen's Communion with the Triune God. There are several rich sections within the work. One in particular, I believe is trying to answer the question: Why do I not feel a love for Christ?:
"Compare a little what you aim at, or what you do, with what you have already heard of Jesus Christ: if anything you design be like to him, if anything you desire be equal to him, let him be rejected as one that has neither form nor comeliness in him; but if, indeed, all your ways be but vanity and vexation of spirit, in comparison of him, why do you spend your 'money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which satisfies not?' [Isa. 55:2]
...consider, I pray, what are all your beloveds to this Beloved? What have you gotten by them? Let us see peace, quietness, assurance of everlasting blessedness that they have given you. Their paths are crooked paths - whoever goes in them shall not know peace. Behold here a fit object for your choicest affections - one in whom you may find rest to your souls - one in whom there is nothing that will grieve and trouble you to eternity...
Pray, study him a little; you love him not, because you know him not."
After reading the book, I could recommend few better places to study Christ a little than John Owen's Communion with the Triune God.
Owen's works are a masterpiece of theology, his work in Communion with the Triunte God is phenomenal.
My only problem with Owen, which truly is not a problem with Owen, but myself is that I must re-read the same page multiple times to grasp what he is saying sometimes. Also the fact that sometimes an entire page is one sentence LOL.
Good Post Jared.
Owen is a great writer, I liked the passage.
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