Friday, August 01, 2008

Losing my religion

The one has come, a savior for the people.

On second thought I will stick with the religion I have for now.


  1. I never thought Bush sold himself a savior but perhaps he did. Certainly if he tried to the media did not hop on like Obama. Bush's campaigns have perhaps faded from my memory. Religious talk for sure though. No doubt. Maybe they were no different and media perception and such. That is why Noll said he was not going to vote.
    I love the I have a dream speech. Again might be perception because I did not feel the speech was about King. In fact he said he may not get there with us, where as Obama said the oceans will stop rising when he is elected etc. But I have no problem if this is just McCain campaign silliness. Perhaps I can join Noll this time around. KIDDING! I think the McCain campaign is right to try and take the bloom of this media rose.

  2. Sorry Jared I deleted your comment by mistake. Upshot was religious talk is nothing new no big deal. I would add nether is me saving you from all your problems like Edwards saying the C. Reeve would get up and walk again if they were elected. Not sure what healings Bush promised but I am sure there is something we could say is similar.

  3. Whatever, I see how it is. I'll just delete your post then...

    Just restating, Religious speech has been a part of most American eras of politics, be it William Jennings Bryan or Abraham Lincoln (who basically said the Civil War was over the interpretation of the Bible in his Second Inaugrial Address) and even George W Bush.

    Bush spoke of the "Angel in the Clouds" directing America. Obama seems to say similar things. I actually liked his speech when he called us the Joshua Generation. I think there is a lot of truth in that politically and religiously - that we are a generation of people who have inhereted much from our parents, and must keep or waste it. I'm a McCain man, but frankly I don't see Obama as the AntiChrist or a secret Muslim and could stand him as President much more than the former two Democratic candidates (Kerry and Gore). I think Obama has more character than either of them. But I am still a McCain man, I want those judicial appointments!

    I am getting a little tired of politics with shows other than uncommon knowledge or Think Tank on PBS, because everything becomes a personality contest, and I much prefer political theory. I guess that's why I like talking Politics with my brother the Poly Sci minor!

  4. I wish I still had it but Peggy Noonan had a great piece on the overdone religious talk and vision of G.W.B. Mostly on how he over did the vision. I thought it was right on and had to be said. She did not shrug her shoulders and say “nothing new”. It also has to be said of the Messianic effect Barak Obama is trying to create of himself. (At least G.W’s God talk has been more God centered not all about himself) As for your current take on politics your attitude is exactly why G.K. Chesterton in “What’s wrong with the world” said women should not want suffrage. They should not come down into the mud with men. Politics is more than theory it is personality and mud slinging. My favorite political commentator by far is Michael Barone. Whenever he is on I turn up the volume. I have seen a tour of his library on C-Span and I was glued to the TV. It was impressive (filled many rooms) and well used. But what I love about him is while he knows his theory well he also knows politics is local issues, personalities, Rush Limbaugh, Conan O’Brian and greasy spoons. You say something about a district in Texas and he can tell you the lay out, the best places to eat, the religious make up, its voting history and perhaps more. He walks the streets, talks to the people listens to the radio stations. Yes politics is messy personality mud slinging business. Which is why Chesterton said to women, “don’t join us men in the mud”. So in short, be a man! Listen to Rush and read NRO! Don’t be too good for us. Don’t be a woman. Ha! Love you bro!

  5. Dude, stop deleting and reposting, I can't hit a moving target...

  6. I guess after finding out about the story of Rove circulating pictures of McCain with his adopted child and starting rumors he fathered a love child with a black woman in south Carolina, I've been a little jaded on getting "outraged." If you start openning up the subject of what politicians have done, no one looks clean. "You can always trust the Devil or a politician to be the Devil or a politician."

  7. We (meaning Evangelicals) brought this on ourselves. "We want the candidates to talk more about their faith." Now they do and I do agree, it is pandering and a little disturbing. Huckabee and Obama both weirded me out on that. But you have Dobson and the other popes of Evangelicalism saying McCain doesn't do it enough. I agree, I prefer McCain saying nothing.

  8. I many ways I am agreed on McCain saying nothing. But again I do not mind them talking religion. The problem is that Obama's religion seems to be himself. Should no one say anything about that? Should McCain have zipped it? I thought this ad was totally fair game.
    If that is true about Rove that is not what I meant about getting in the mud. My examples were still getting in there and taking things on like Peggy Noonan and Michael Barone etc. I mostly like Bush's religious speak, I mostly do not like Obamas, is it of limits to discuss why? You seem to be saying yes.
    McCain does discuss religion. America is his religion. That is not all bad. But should I not discuss that either?
