Thursday, August 07, 2008

Another reason not to like Osteen's Lakewood Church

"HOUSTON, Texas (AP) -- She's the wife of a renowned evangelical pastor and one of the leaders of a Houston megachurch, but Victoria Osteen is being accused of behavior that wasn't very Christian"

story here.


  1. I love it when gold diggers find each other like these two ladies.

  2. Does anyone believe Ms. Brown is so delicate that her career, black self image, health, faith in God were all shattered because a passenger got upset over service?

    People are kidnapped, tortured and raped and come out of it with less injury that Brown alleges.

    This is pure GREED.

  3. No way! I totally get hemorrhoids everytime someone pushes me. Don't you? My guess is they deserve each other.

    Brown had previously said she was attacked in another incident by an airport employee, according to a deposition she gave in the case.

    According to court documents, Brown says that she suffers from anxiety and hemorrhoids because of the incident involving Victoria Osteen and said her faith was affected. She is also suing Victoria Osteen for medical expenses for counseling.

  4. I have hemorrhoids over this Baptism debate. Jared, I love you but you will be hearing from my attorney.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. When you said "This is pure greed," were you talking about Lakewood church or the woman suing? :)

  7. Olstein deserves to be sued. She is a fake of a christian. If there was a spot on her seat, does she think she is better than anyone else to wipe it off. First Class is leather seats. No one is her private maid. She did loose her temper on the flight and should have went to jail like ordinary people would on a plane. The Olsteins are no better than anyone else who sits in first or coach. It's not a race issue for the lawsuit. Olstein deserves to be sued. She didn't follow the christian belief or "turn the other cheek". A Fake and I would never buy any book or attend/watch their so called christian church. People wake up. They are fakes......

  8. Yeah, should not the idea to get rich by suing a pastors wife be a laughable proposition? Oh wait sorry “co-pastor”.

  9. >When you said "This is pure greed," were you talking about Lakewood church or the woman suing?

    I was talking about the woman bringing the frivolous lawsuit.

  10. >..does she think she is better than anyone else to wipe it off. First Class is leather seats. No one is her private maid. She

    You obviously have no idea what 1st class seats cost, and neither does the crazy flight attendant. If I were her boss, I would fire Ms. Brown. The woman is nuts.

  11. >Olstein deserves to be sued. She is a fake of a christian.


    Anyway, all wealth is relative. You are mind-bogglingly rich compared to most people on this planet, and by your own logic, it should be taken from you!

  12. Ms. Brown's picture on CNN today looks like an orc from the Lord of the Rings Movie. :D

  13. My comments were tongue in cheek. It appears to be an unfair lawsuit and I hope justice will be done in this case. Coveting others property is a violation of the commandments no matter their moral character. As for the "prosperity gospel" may it die a quick death and people make God their treasure storing up riches in heaven. I wish the Osteens no ill will, but I pity their desire to be a life coach rather than preach sin and Christ crucified.
