Monday, May 21, 2007

Jerry Falwell: Interesting Legacy

It is surprising how many interesting stories have come to light about Falwell after his death. My favorite was by students at Liberty who talked about seeing him at a restaurant. They didn't even think he knew them, but at the end of the meal, after Falwell and his friends had left, they were informed Falwell had paid for their meal. So when people as diverse as Rick Warren and Larry Flint have had good things to say, at least personally he must have been a good guy.

The reaction from the current evangelical movement was well observed as having lost a grandfather that they may not have agreed with all the time, but were kinda fond of.
R.I.P. Falwell

1 comment:

  1. Thou hast truly spoken.
    Whilst I may not have agreed wyth him in lyfe, it doth not preclude feelyngs of tenderness or sympathy for his familie.

    "Emitte lucem tuam, et veritatem tuam."
