Saturday, October 07, 2006

Dawkins God

I decided I needed to investigate the other side a little more. I have weighed many arguments dealing with evolution. The best being Kenneth Miller's "Finding Darwin's God". Miller comes from a semi-Open theist position. The value of his book is not, however, in his conclusions, but is in challenging many of my assumptions. I am more amazed at the Providence of God when he is not the "God of the Gaps" that many evangelicals squeeze Him into.

But I have not read full tome from an atheistic perspective. I am starting to read Dawkins new book "The God Delusion" (his Summa Theologica, so to speak). He also has a mini-series entitled "the root of all evil," about religion. You can grasp his subtle position. We'll have to see what this anti-theistic guy Dawkins has to say. I need to be challenged...

1 comment:

  1. Well, you are well ahead of me -- I have not cracked Dr. Dawkin's new book at all (yet).

    But I have watched his very interesting videos:

    The Root of all Evil I

    The Root of all Evil II

    Check 'em out. I'd like to hear your thoughts!
