Thursday, December 01, 2005

Freakonomics Fiasco

I found this story at The Corner. I have not normally been interested in his findings. On the abortion issues I did not care because the strategy of killing them before they commit the crime does not hold much water with me. As the research is now falling apart they had some interesting comments that Pro-lifers are even somewhat disappointed. I agree with the point Steve makes here though, which is regardless of the ramifications lets start with the TRUTH.

Quote from the story.

"This fiasco reveals much about what's wrong with public policy discourse in modern America. Fifteen minutes of Googling would have shown book reviewers of Freakonomics that the abortion-cut-crime theory hadn't come close to meeting the burden of proof, but, instead, much of America's intellectual elite fell head over heels for this theory. Being largely innumerate and unenterprising, the punditariat is unable or unwilling to apply simple reality checks to complex models. It's easier to simply engage in intellectual hero-worship and take a guru figure like Levitt on faith."

1 comment:

  1. Hence Bennett's comments become so vindicated. Who cares if abortion affects crime or tax payer roles one way or the other. It's wrong, don't do it. No further justification needed.
