"Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ." - Jerome

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Barley-Field on Fire

One of the oldest theological questions is Why Do Bad Things Happen?
Here C.H. Spurgeon, who was no stranger to trials, explains how God disciplines his own. He does so out of love and with mercy. We ought to find great comfort in God's sovereignty over the affairs of men.

"As for their number, if God appoints that you have ten trials then there can never be eleven. As for the weight of your troubles, he who weighs the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance is careful to measure your troubles, and you will not have an ounce more than his infinite wisdom sees fit. It may seem that the devil has been turned loose on you, but remember he is always a chained enemy. There is a tether to every trouble, and it can never stray beyond that tether."

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